The challenges of managing
cardiometabolic chronic conditions
through the current
COVID-19 pandemic
virtual broadcast
The current COVID-19 pandemic poses unprecedented challenges for primary care; not only must healthcare professionals manage the acute demands of COVID-19, but also maintain critical levels of care for their patients with chronic conditions. Reducing the risk of complications and mortality, minimising hospital admissions and providing continuity of care has rarely been more difficult than in the current environment, when time and resources are at a premium and many sources of specialist support are unavailable.
This virtual broadcast offers primary care professionals a quick-fire guide to managing the most common cardiometabolic chronic conditions at the frontline: when and how to manage routine monitoring, the support technology can offer, and key management adaptations to consider.
Join us live on Saturday 16th May for your opportunity to ask our speakers the questions you want answered.
Saturday, 16th May 2020
- 12:00 - 12:15
Setting the scene of cardiometabolic-related chronic disease management during the COVID-19 period

Kevin Fernando
GP, North Berwick
- 12:15 - 12:30
Key considerations for those with established cardiovascular disease

Yassir Javaid
GP with a Special Interest in Cardiology, Northampton
- 12:30 - 12:45
Key considerations for those with diabetes

Su Down
Diabetes Nurse Consultant, Somerset
- 12:45 - 13:00
Key considerations for those with established chronic kidney disease

Andrew Frankel
Consultant Physician and Nephrologist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
- 13:00 - 13:20
Live Q&A
Registration Now open
- Saturday, 16th May 2020
We look forward to welcoming you online,
the next event will begin in: